Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that they fake almost everything?
Wow, an original claim that you would still refuse to support if your life depended on it. I ask you what has led you to believe that NASA is incredible, and you respond with "They fake almost everything." This is a really broad response with no elaboration. It's a claim you freely throw out without caring to support it.
I remember years ago when I was first investigating NASA, I saw a video in which a dude went to some video archive section of the NASA website and downloaded a video from there where you could see the CGI glitching for a sec. Me being a skeptic and all, I didn't outright believe that and I downloaded the video myself. Lo and behold, the CGI glitch was there, plain as day.
Would you care to provide the source of this video so we can all access it? Surely you don't expect me to just blindly believe you, right? On top of that, what evidence do you have that it was in fact CGI, rather than just an average glitch? I know a lot of conspiracy theorists like to throw out "CGI" at most of what NASA shows the world, but they never care to show us the evidence that what NASA is showing us contains CGI. So unless you can genuinely provide airtight evidence that the specific video you are referring to contains malicious CGI, I, along with everyone else, can and should dismiss your claim.
But obviously if you're a staunch globe believer / NASA lover you will see that and shrug it off, or try to come up with an alternate "logical" explanation which supports a "not CGI" narrative, even though NASA itself provided no statement about it.
Incorrect. I am not close-minded and I am very welcome to a change of my views. If you can provide truthful and sufficient evidence that NASA included malicious CGI in one of their videos, I would accept your evidence upon further research to ensure your evidence is truly truthful.
That's just one little thing of many. I really can't be bothered to explain why NASA shouldn't be trusted or all the stuff they've faked, especially considering all the info that's already out there about it. It's one of those things that if you know, you know. A really obvious one is the Moon landing, but you probably believe that one too, huh? Even though most people who don't believe it are actually globe believers. But there's a lack of those type of globe believers here, I noticed. Coincidence? Of course not.
All of the videos and conspiracy theories I've seen about NASA faking things are easily debunked. Whether it be glitches in ISS videos or live streams, space telescope imagery, satellite data & imagery, moon landings, you name it. I'm almost certain I've heard it all at this point. The biggest flaw I notice in all of these conspiracy theories is that none of them genuinely provide actual evidence. If evidence is provided, it's usually taken out of context. For example, a lot of moon landing deniers like to show off a small section of an interview that Buzz Aldrin had with a little girl. The issue is that they never let Buzz Aldrin finish his sentence in any of the clips shown. Or better yet, they never show how the interview even starts out. If these conspiracy theorists were honest about their evidence, they would be happy to show everybody the full interview, rather than a cherry-picked clip that was thrown way out of context. The few times that I have brought that up to some of these people, I tend to have my comments deleted, I get blocked, or my comment just never surfaces and remains hidden under all of the gullible people that fell for the clip, angrily shaming Buzz Aldrin and NASA like robots. So to answer your question, yes, I believe in the moon landings. Being an astrophotographer myself has only strengthened the evidence that the moon landings were real. Of course, as I stated earlier, if you would care to provide sufficient evidence that the moon landings were faked, I'd absolutely look into it without a doubt. With all of this being said, I hope I can receive a response from you including the video you referred to & sufficient evidence for all of the assertions you have made here. If not, do not expect anybody to believe what you say. Everybody can, and most likely will simply dismiss your assertions.