No, more like human history really.
You should probably go find some old people. Ask them about polio.
If they're old enough they will also tell me how there used to be no autists like you back in the old days before mass vaxx. Now that people are more vaxxed than ever it's commonplace and you can't go one week without meeting someone on the spectrum or hearing about it. I wonder why?
Autism existed. Facinsting read: the term was coined in 1911 (over 100 years after the first vaccine) to mean an excess of infentile fantasy in children. But this was challenged and rewritten in 1972 to mean a deficiency of fantasy.
1918 had the military made influeza vaccine to combat the spanish flu. It was inconclusive.
1937 had the yellow fever vaccine, which worked. Got the man a nobel prize.
1939 had the whooping cough vaccine which apparently wasn't 100% effective but went from 15.1 children/100 children to 2.3/100 children infection rate. Not bad.
1954 had the polio vaccine.
1960 had a second type of polio vaccine.
So yeah, vaccines have been around longer than the definition of Autism. And this wasn't because Autism didn't exist but rather it wasn't diagnosed properly.
Probably just called em Retard, slow, touched, posessed by satan, etc...