
Offline Roundy

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5400 on: May 21, 2020, 01:06:31 PM »

Well, the doctor said it was prescribed, Trump said it was prescribed, and Cavuto didn't even acknowledge the prescription.

Was that in a press conference or sworn testimony before the senate?
There was no Senate hearing yesterday.

What is your point?

Well, according to you, Trump can't be trusted to tell the truth in a press conference,
Actually, that is and always been according to you, honk, junker, AATW, et.al., and whoever else I forgot...
...and we shouldn't expect the truth unless it's in the form of sworn testimony before the Senate. Don't you remember that whole conversation?
Yeah, I remember the conversation.

Still looks your either being purposefully obtuse or willingly mum on the whole issue still.

Don't blame you a bit.
Again if you meant something different you're still welcome to explain what. I can quote the thread if you're having trouble remembering, I know you ain't no spring chicken. But I'm pretty sure you were acknowledging that Trump is a pathological liar whose only real concern is his own image.
I'm pretty sure you still don't want to admit you've been called out on your bs...

Okay, obviously you'll never admit that you recognize Trump for the charlatan he is. Because confronting this seems to bother you so much, from now on I'll just pretend you never slipped up and admitted Trump's a pathological liar who uses his press conferences not to inform the public but to create drama like some surly, spoiled teenaged girl. I got your back man.  ;)
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


Re: Trump
« Reply #5401 on: May 21, 2020, 01:09:19 PM »
How is Lackey this dumb to think 'Abandoned' means 'never reported'?
I don't.

I edited my post for further content.


Re: Trump
« Reply #5402 on: May 21, 2020, 01:13:52 PM »

Well, the doctor said it was prescribed, Trump said it was prescribed, and Cavuto didn't even acknowledge the prescription.

Was that in a press conference or sworn testimony before the senate?
There was no Senate hearing yesterday.

What is your point?

Well, according to you, Trump can't be trusted to tell the truth in a press conference,
Actually, that is and always been according to you, honk, junker, AATW, et.al., and whoever else I forgot...
...and we shouldn't expect the truth unless it's in the form of sworn testimony before the Senate. Don't you remember that whole conversation?
Yeah, I remember the conversation.

Still looks your either being purposefully obtuse or willingly mum on the whole issue still.

Don't blame you a bit.
Again if you meant something different you're still welcome to explain what. I can quote the thread if you're having trouble remembering, I know you ain't no spring chicken. But I'm pretty sure you were acknowledging that Trump is a pathological liar whose only real concern is his own image.
I'm pretty sure you still don't want to admit you've been called out on your bs...

Okay, obviously you'll never admit that you recognize Trump for the charlatan he is. Because confronting this seems to bother you so much, from now on I'll just pretend you never slipped up and admitted Trump's a pathological liar who uses his press conferences not to inform the public but to create drama like some surly, spoiled teenaged girl. I got your back man.  ;)
I think you just need to kick back and think carefully about what I have written.

Cause you are so far off mark, it boggles the mind.

You are the one labeling Trump the charlatan.

You have the problem with his press conferences.

You are the one that throws a conniption fit when he is on.

You are now the one proving he cannot understand simple sentences.

Rama Set

Re: Trump
« Reply #5403 on: May 21, 2020, 01:33:00 PM »

I think you just need to kick back and think carefully about what I have written.

Cause you are so far off mark, it boggles the mind.

You are the one labeling Trump the charlatan.

You have the problem with his press conferences.

You are the one that throws a conniption fit when he is on.

You are now the one proving he cannot understand simple sentences.

So then Trump and Fauci aren't on the same page.  Got it.


Re: Trump
« Reply #5404 on: May 21, 2020, 01:44:52 PM »

I think you just need to kick back and think carefully about what I have written.

Cause you are so far off mark, it boggles the mind.

You are the one labeling Trump the charlatan.

You have the problem with his press conferences.

You are the one that throws a conniption fit when he is on.

You are now the one proving he cannot understand simple sentences.

So then Trump and Fauci aren't on the same page.  Got it.
Take it up with Fauci...

He said they were, in sworn testimony.

Get whatever you think you got from him...

But make sure you wear your mask when you go to get it...

You know, like the press corps just started to do?

Rama Set

Re: Trump
« Reply #5405 on: May 21, 2020, 05:04:04 PM »

Take it up with Fauci...

Can't I take it up with Trump?  He is the one contradicting sworn testimony.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #5406 on: May 21, 2020, 05:34:12 PM »
Regardless how you look at it, for Trump to come out and publicly announce he is taking the hydro was messed up.

Since it has not been approved for use, and the Drs and scientist say "DO NOT USE!", there can be only two angles here:

1. Trump is lying, which would be disgraceful to say the least (however is the norm for Trump).
2. Trump isn't lying therefore, what is his motive in publicly defying Drs and scientists - which is seems equally disgraceful.

There is literally nothing Trump has done to unify, or lead the country through its worst crisis since either the great depression or the spanish flu - which this current crisis is a combination of both. Trump has succeeded in further dividing and exhausting this country with crap like this.

Those who still support Trump are victims of a type of psychological abuse similar to that which is suffered in domestic abuse cases - in which the abused cannot leave the abuser due to some twisted sense of learned dependence.
"noche te ipsum"

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."  - Albert Einstein


Offline Roundy

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5407 on: May 21, 2020, 05:36:40 PM »

Well, the doctor said it was prescribed, Trump said it was prescribed, and Cavuto didn't even acknowledge the prescription.

Was that in a press conference or sworn testimony before the senate?
There was no Senate hearing yesterday.

What is your point?

Well, according to you, Trump can't be trusted to tell the truth in a press conference,
Actually, that is and always been according to you, honk, junker, AATW, et.al., and whoever else I forgot...
...and we shouldn't expect the truth unless it's in the form of sworn testimony before the Senate. Don't you remember that whole conversation?
Yeah, I remember the conversation.

Still looks your either being purposefully obtuse or willingly mum on the whole issue still.

Don't blame you a bit.
Again if you meant something different you're still welcome to explain what. I can quote the thread if you're having trouble remembering, I know you ain't no spring chicken. But I'm pretty sure you were acknowledging that Trump is a pathological liar whose only real concern is his own image.
I'm pretty sure you still don't want to admit you've been called out on your bs...

Okay, obviously you'll never admit that you recognize Trump for the charlatan he is. Because confronting this seems to bother you so much, from now on I'll just pretend you never slipped up and admitted Trump's a pathological liar who uses his press conferences not to inform the public but to create drama like some surly, spoiled teenaged girl. I got your back man.  ;)
I think you just need to kick back and think carefully about what I have written.

Cause you are so far off mark, it boggles the mind.

You are the one labeling Trump the charlatan.

You have the problem with his press conferences.

You are the one that throws a conniption fit when he is on.

You are now the one proving he cannot understand simple sentences.

Oh, of course;) ;)
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


Offline honk

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5408 on: May 21, 2020, 06:32:21 PM »

Ratcliffe is a partisan hack who caters to conspiracy theorists and has no real qualifications or experience in this field. But that doesn't matter to Trump, who's only interested in having a yes-man who'll kiss his ass and publicly say all the things he wants to hear.
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y


Offline crutonius

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5409 on: May 21, 2020, 07:40:13 PM »
Here's to hoping that we can retake the senate next year.

It would be nice to shutdown this unending clown show of senate confirmations.


Offline Roundy

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5410 on: May 22, 2020, 12:47:49 AM »

This is interesting. I wonder if spending a decent amount of the last four years (even after his death) trashing the greatly respected and well-loved war hero John McCain might have something to do with Trump's apparent reversal of fortune in Arizona.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 12:49:57 AM by Roundy »
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


Offline Roundy

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5411 on: May 22, 2020, 05:17:05 AM »

What is he talking about? What is he even trying to say?  ???

I still don't understand how anyone can take anything this man says seriously. At this point how does one not conclude that anybody who still supports him is just an idiot? I mean, unless it really is the case that a significant portion of them see him for what he is, and are, I don't know, enjoying the show or something.

Look, they wanted to throw a wrench in the machinery, so to speak. I know at least one Trump supporter, who afaik remains a Trump supporter, who basically told me that was why she voted for him. The fact that he had no experience relevant to the position of Leader of the Free World was what attracted him to her. So, wrench in the machinery, so to speak.

They wanted a broken government. They were delighted with all the chaos his presidency was causing. That'll teach those liberals! Even the Republicans in power who knew the damage he was doing but licked his boots anyway probably think that. At least the liberals are suffering. Never mind that they have overwhelmingly sold out their principles (both as human beings and as Republicans, really) in their continued support of this wannabe political strongman.

I mean, is that really what it's all about? Are they really giving him a pass for all his atrocities because he's really sticking it to those scary radical liberals? At least some of them must know that there's no substance to his wild accusations, much less damn near anything he's ever said, right? I mean, if we are to assume that they truly are not all morons somehow completely oblivious to all the damage he has done and continues to do.

Then why? Why do they continue to take him seriously? Why are they continuing to support him while he's mishandling the worst crisis this country has seen in decades? This is what happens when you throw a wrench in the machinery. The machine breaks. And when the machine is the government you depend on to get you through a crisis that is not a good thing.

And here he's talking about per capitas (which my phone tried to autocorrect, btw, because even it can't believe someone could be so stupid as to actually mean to use it), and I feel like people are going to continue to take him seriously. I mean after all that's led to it why not? And it really is hard to grasp.
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5412 on: May 22, 2020, 06:48:07 AM »
Quote from: Trump
“And you know, when you say ‘per capita,’ there’s many per capitas,” Trump asserted. “It’s like, per capita relative to what?

I don't see anything wrong with that statement. The article claims that Trump does not know what "per capita" means, when he immediately clarifies he does and what he means in his next sentence. "Per capita relative to what?" He knows that per capita means, having gone to a prestigeous business school. He is questionong the various ways to measure high level questions per capita.

The classic example is a gauge for income and wellness of a country. If you assess it by GDP per capita, it may be a misleading figure as you are just dividing GDP amongst the entire population, and is not an indicator of income distribution across the country, disregards the different inequites of the states, nor is it really a measure of wellbeing.

Trump > News media Communications majors
« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 02:10:44 PM by Tom Bishop »


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5413 on: May 22, 2020, 07:07:58 AM »
Thats not multiple 'Per capitas' thats multiple categories calculated per capita.  Per capita is a measurement, not what you measure.

Its like saying 'There are multiple metric systems.' which is false.  So if he knew what he meant or meant what you said, he worded it badly, given the context.

Ie. Corona deaths per capita.
Unless he's trying to say that the Per Capita of Corona deaths is good but so is everything when ranked per capita, like gdp, economic growth, population growth, unemployment, etc ...

Which, again, doesn't fit the context of what was being discussed.  He was asked to explain why he felt the Corona Deaths wasn't bad when ranked per capita (which is fine to say) and instead went into a talk about other ways per capita is used and how its all positive for America. 

Now if he were a normal person he would tweet something like this:

I apologize for being unclear at my press conference.  What I meant was that, due to America being the great and powerful nation we are, we have a large and healthy population which makes numbers that seem large(such as 95,000 deaths) , small when measured per capita.  (.029% of Americans).  And because of this, many categories show positives when measured per capita despite raw numbers seeming bad.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 07:42:34 AM by Lord Dave »
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #5414 on: May 22, 2020, 07:51:48 AM »

What is he talking about? What is he even trying to say?  ???

I still don't understand how anyone can take anything this man says seriously. At this point how does one not conclude that anybody who still supports him is just an idiot? I mean, unless it really is the case that a significant portion of them see him for what he is, and are, I don't know, enjoying the show or something.

Look, they wanted to throw a wrench in the machinery, so to speak. I know at least one Trump supporter, who afaik remains a Trump supporter, who basically told me that was why she voted for him. The fact that he had no experience relevant to the position of Leader of the Free World was what attracted him to her. So, wrench in the machinery, so to speak.

They wanted a broken government. They were delighted with all the chaos his presidency was causing. That'll teach those liberals! Even the Republicans in power who knew the damage he was doing but licked his boots anyway probably think that. At least the liberals are suffering. Never mind that they have overwhelmingly sold out their principles (both as human beings and as Republicans, really) in their continued support of this wannabe political strongman.

I mean, is that really what it's all about? Are they really giving him a pass for all his atrocities because he's really sticking it to those scary radical liberals? At least some of them must know that there's no substance to his wild accusations, much less damn near anything he's ever said, right? I mean, if we are to assume that they truly are not all morons somehow completely oblivious to all the damage he has done and continues to do.

Then why? Why do they continue to take him seriously? Why are they continuing to support him while he's mishandling the worst crisis this country has seen in decades? This is what happens when you throw a wrench in the machinery. The machine breaks. And when the machine is the government you depend on to get you through a crisis that is not a good thing.

And here he's talking about per capitas (which my phone tried to autocorrect, btw, because even it can't believe someone could be so stupid as to actually mean to use it), and I feel like people are going to continue to take him seriously. I mean after all that's led to it why not? And it really is hard to grasp.

This is not complicated.  We have a 2 party system.  So you are either supporting Trump (who is the head of your party) or you support the enemy.  And the enemy will take all that you love.  So best to cheer for the man whose going to support what you support, even if he's a moron.

Those I know love his policies but wish he'd stop talking/tweeting.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Re: Trump
« Reply #5415 on: May 22, 2020, 09:51:03 AM »

Take it up with Fauci...

Can't I take it up with Trump?  He is the one contradicting sworn testimony.

Explain how Trump is contradicting the sworn testimony.


Re: Trump
« Reply #5416 on: May 22, 2020, 09:52:16 AM »
Regardless how you look at it, for Trump to come out and publicly announce he is taking the hydro was messed up.

Since it has not been approved for use, and the Drs and scientist say "DO NOT USE!", there can be only two angles here:

1. Trump is lying, which would be disgraceful to say the least (however is the norm for Trump).
2. Trump isn't lying therefore, what is his motive in publicly defying Drs and scientists - which is seems equally disgraceful.

There is literally nothing Trump has done to unify, or lead the country through its worst crisis since either the great depression or the spanish flu - which this current crisis is a combination of both. Trump has succeeded in further dividing and exhausting this country with crap like this.

Those who still support Trump are victims of a type of psychological abuse similar to that which is suffered in domestic abuse cases - in which the abused cannot leave the abuser due to some twisted sense of learned dependence.
Doctors and scientists are not saying do not use hydroxychloroquine.


Re: Trump
« Reply #5417 on: May 22, 2020, 09:54:39 AM »
They wanted a broken government.
Assuming the government was intact prior to his election isn't a strong position for you to take.


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The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Roundy

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5419 on: May 22, 2020, 01:33:15 PM »
They wanted a broken government.
Assuming the government was intact prior to his election isn't a strong position for you to take.

Elaborate. I understand that you don't like the people in power and think our 2 party system is a sham (a situation Trump has only exacerbated since he's been in office, I don't see how anyone could argue that we haven't only gotten more tribalistic in the last four years), but in what ways specifically would you say the government was broken before Trump came into power?

And more importantly how exactly was installing someone who has no experience governing in the position of highest government office in the country supposed to fix things?
« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 01:35:24 PM by Roundy »
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)