Rama Set

Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2017, 07:18:06 PM »
If any one is close to an expert on vapor trails or contrails, I am. We all watched the movie "Topgun". Well I lived right on top of the nations topgun marine base "Fightertown USA", protecting the west coast of the US. I saw more hotshots and vapor trails than 99% of you. I know the difference.

Oh good.  A self-proclaimed expert.

Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #21 on: September 09, 2017, 09:12:30 PM »
The ones I see are scheduled flights in particular weather conditions.

Offline Mark_1984

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2017, 10:05:22 AM »
I find the whole thing of chemtrails quite frightening.

So do I,

Many Flat Earthers are involved with exposing that particular conspiracy,

There are also other methods they use to posion us, investigate Monsanto.
That's not to mention what they are putting in the water.

That's no great surprise.  People who believe in one conspiracy tend to believe in lots of them.  Out of curiosity, how many here also believe that vaccines are bad, 911 was an inside job, Princess Diana was murdered, etc.


Offline Dither

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2017, 10:25:48 PM »
1. Vaccines are bad - No your wrong, Vaccines are good, Autism is the next step in mans evolution.
2. 911 was an inside job - No it wasn't, all buildings have explosive charges in them in case of plane strike.
3. Princess Diana was murdered - Murdered is such a strong term, conveniently dealt with is better.

On all these points 911 has the most evidence, not so sure of the autism link, vaccines save lives too.
And the Princess may have survived that accident if only she remembered to click clack, front and back.

A lie will make it around the world before the truth has time to put on its shoes.


Offline DSC

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #24 on: December 30, 2017, 10:48:07 AM »
I'm  not a proponent of the fe.

Vaccines? I don't know enough to have an informed opinion. I have friends whom have autistic children and are against vaccination. Myself have two children, both of whom are vaccinated.

Diana. Couldn't really care less.

9/11 though. That is a debateable one. I for one aide with those whom believe the US government played a major if not sole role in that attack.

So one who may believe in a conspiracy doesn't necessarily have to follow with all conspiracies.


Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2018, 07:53:46 PM »
Good thing they probably don't exist. In the meantime you should study contrails, because they are not caused by aviation fuel.
Your answer is very misleading.

Contrails are typically the leftover of the combustion process of jet fuel.

Rama Set

Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2018, 10:40:28 PM »
Good thing they probably don't exist. In the meantime you should study contrails, because they are not caused by aviation fuel.
Your answer is very misleading.

Contrails are typically the leftover of the combustion process of jet fuel.

Contrails are created by water vapor, low temperatures and/or a pressure differential. They are not necessarily or directly caused by aviation fuel.


Offline J-Man

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #27 on: January 30, 2018, 12:17:10 AM »

@ 4:20 will blow you away

Contrails were created by water in the engines for cooling. Todays jets rarely use anything that could cause a contrail
What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2018, 07:21:31 AM »
If water is used to cool a jet engine (why use water?) then why would it be leaking out?  You'd have to replace the water very often or have large water tanks that take up fuel space.

Also, its cold up there.  The engines suck in cold air.  Do you need more cooling?
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2018, 01:19:30 AM »
And now we know that J-Man didn't pass basic chemistry. Pray tell me, what do you think are the combustion products of jet fuel and oxygen? It's helpful to not assert things like "contrails were created by water in the engines for cooling" or "Today's jets rarely use anything that could cause a contrail" when it's obvious you haven't the slightest clue how a jet engine works (and neither do I, but at least I know what they take in and spit out).

Do you see how often conspiracy theorists don't even know the basics about how things work? Of course, they love dismissing quotidian explanations and then cooking up some outlandish garbage.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2018, 01:21:25 AM by JohnAdams1145 »

Offline retlaw

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #30 on: February 21, 2018, 06:39:41 PM »
If they don't exist then someone should tell Harvard University to cancel there course they offer on it.

Harvard's Solar Geoengineering Research Program

Harvard's Solar Geoengineering Research Program will develop methods that might reduce the risks and improve the efficacy of solar geoengineering when compared to the injection of sulfates into the stratosphere, which has been the standard proposal since the 1970s. Specific examples include:

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2018, 06:53:58 PM »
I looked into this for years and what I found out is interesting.

I'll write it as simple and short as I can.

USA tested its last nuclear bomb in 1985.
DARPA took over the HARRP program in 1985.

The HARRP patent states that it would benefit from spraying aluminum and other elements into the air to help reflect, bounce or vibrate their frequencies.

Commercial airliners found out that if you inject liquid into the jet engines while at traveling speed that they get a 10% boast in thrust which saves then millions in fuel costs. Landing much lighter saves huge costs.
The government allows them to use the liquid from their excess from disposal. That's right, toilet water.
But there is a condition.
The government wants to track the disposal exhaust to make sure it doesn't harm the people. (ha ha ha)
So by law the airline companies have to add an additive into the liquid they spray into the jet engines.

Don't believe me?
Its all backed by their paperwork. look deep and you will find it.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2018, 06:57:32 PM by retlaw »


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2018, 07:10:20 PM »
Inject liquid into a jet engine...

Wow... okay.  So that's your first flaw.  See, jet fuel is a liquid so they're already putting liquid in the engine.
But maybe you mean "spray liquid into the turbines" to which I say "how the fuck would increased mass in the turbine somehow make it produce more thrust with the same amount of fuel?  That's like saying "If I put weights on my wheels, my car will use less gas!"

So yeah, your argument is transparently BS.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Offline retlaw

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2018, 07:43:05 PM »
Inject liquid into a jet engine...

Wow... okay.  So that's your first flaw.  See, jet fuel is a liquid so they're already putting liquid in the engine.
But maybe you mean "spray liquid into the turbines" to which I say "how the fuck would increased mass in the turbine somehow make it produce more thrust with the same amount of fuel?  That's like saying "If I put weights on my wheels, my car will use less gas!"

So yeah, your argument is transparently BS.

Thanks for pointing out the mistake. I did mean injection into the turbine.

As far as calling BS the egg is on your face buddy because here is NASA's claim on the process.


If you would have only taken a couple minutes to research but no...

Offline retlaw

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2018, 07:59:56 PM »
Need more?

Water Injection on Commercial Aircraft to
Reduce Airport Nitrogen Oxides


I' ll wait for the apology but I don't think you will give one.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #35 on: February 21, 2018, 08:54:14 PM »
Well, I stand corrected.  My knowledge of jet engines was apparently false.

Of course, neither of your links proved your point for commercial airlines as
1) the nasa article applied to supersonic engines
2) the second one applied to reduced NO2 levels.

Still, an apology is an apology so I'm sorry for calling your argument BS.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Offline retlaw

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #36 on: February 22, 2018, 05:41:52 PM »
Well, I stand corrected.  My knowledge of jet engines was apparently false.

Of course, neither of your links proved your point for commercial airlines as
1) the nasa article applied to supersonic engines
2) the second one applied to reduced NO2 levels.

Still, an apology is an apology so I'm sorry for calling your argument BS.

Your welcome.
We can have a debate with out name calling or insults.

There are more links to commercial airliners doing it and also links to government regulations on the process of tracking the trails as well. Just have to dig a little deeper.
I posted the NASA one because most RE love NASA.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #37 on: February 22, 2018, 05:44:08 PM »
So what does the additive do?
Like how does it help track anything?
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Offline retlaw

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #38 on: February 22, 2018, 05:56:17 PM »
So what does the additive do?
Like how does it help track anything?

The additive makes it into a visible vapour that can be tracked on radar. Makes it look like a cloud.

Check these out. Way to cool.

These videos show that the USA government was experimenting with geoengineering way back in the 40's.

Amazing Footage of WWII Chemtrail Experiments

1944 Chemtrails in Books and History in Photographs


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #39 on: February 22, 2018, 05:58:59 PM »
So what does the additive do?
Like how does it help track anything?

The additive makes it into a visible vapour that can be tracked on radar. Makes it look like a cloud.
How does it get tracked on radar?  Is it reflective of radio waves?  Because I don't think even rain affects radar.

Check these out. Way to cool.

These videos show that the USA government was experimenting with geoengineering way back in the 40's.

Amazing Footage of WWII Chemtrail Experiments

1944 Chemtrails in Books and History in Photographs

Yeah, I mean, I know the government experimented with spraying chemicals from airplanes.  Hell, pesticide, napalm, water, fire extinguisher chemicals, all from planes.  I'm sure someone has at some point tried geo/weather engineering.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.