secretagent10, I appreciate you're relatively new to the FE debate, and I would strongly encourage you to observe it for a while before making such far-reaching conclusions. I worry that you might be a victim of the very same "intuitive understanding" you so happily assign to others.
In my experience (which is likely mirrorred by many here), there are plenty of RE'ers who create their own "mental model" of FE, and conclude that it must be false based on that imagination. That "model" is usually a 1-to-1 replica of the RE universe, except the Earth has been inexplicably flattened and stretched. Of course, it doesn't take much effort to start poking holes in that vision of the world. It's also a vision that exists only in the mind of RE'ers. Your recent flippant comments throughout this forum are great examples of this kind of thinking. You've already decided FE is wrong (and, though you try your gosh darndest not to say it, you've also decided that it's stupid) - even though you basically know nothing about it. You just have your imagination to work with.
Although there are notable exceptions (you're talking about people here), it's usually the case that your average FE'er has a much better understanding of RE than your average RE'er. Again, I encourage you to read some of the nonsense RE'ers say during debates before deciding that "whoa how do mirrors work?!?!!" is a FE quality. Some of my favourite examples of RE confusion include:
- A somewhat chronic inability to tell the difference between velocity and acceleration. I have no idea why this comes up so often, but it does.
- Thinking that spirit levels operate due to the difference in gravitational forces applied to each end of the tube.
- Mixing and matching inertial and non-inertial frames of reference without appropriately adjusting the forces/motion at play.
- Fundamental misunderstandings of optics, orbital mechanics, and Newton's laws.
Note that I am specifically selecting "nonsense" that doesn't boil down to RE'ers not understanding FE. You'd reject any such example and "politely" make derogatory comments about me. So, I'm focusing on RE'ers not knowing the first thing about their own model.
I’ve gotten plenty of people to become round earthers again through calm logical discussion, and continue to do so.
To be blunt, I doubt that. It sounds like you found a few trolls who eventually gave up on trying to make you angry.