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Messages - WTF_Seriously

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Flat Earth Theory / Re: Finding Polaris and FE model
« on: August 16, 2024, 06:49:07 PM »
The Sun moves North and South in addition to East and West. It's easier to get a coordinate by a static celestial object rather than a variable one. The Latitude in the North is thus based on Polaris.

For example, how would they determine 90 degrees North at the Geographic North Pole? By the North Star, right? How about 85 degrees North? How about 5 degrees North? Obviously, the North Star is used for this coordinate and not the Sun.

So what's the coordinate reference for latitude in the south?

There might be a time when two of the three southern continent locations such as South America and Africa see the night stars at the same time, but never all three (South America, Africa and Australia) at the same time.

Here is summer on June 21, 2021 with added green marker for "a star":

Nice cherry picking of data.  You've been shown before that this isn't true.

From the same website:

Now locate the star between the southern tip of Aftica and Madagascar on your monopole map and all three continents can view it at the same time except that South America and Australia will be looking nowhere near south as happens in reality.

Both of Tom's videos are nonsense.

First, if all of the celestial bodies are inside the dome then shining lights on the dome from outside is meaningless.  That's neither here nor there though to their problems.

The first video is simply magician's sleight of hand and optics.  What we want to see is not what the top of the dome looks like but what the map looks like.  The video never shows this.  To see what is really going on the camera should be either able to view the map underneath or be viewing the bottom of the glass.  Optically, the shadow on the exterior of the dome is due to the fact that the light angle is causing all of the light to be reflected back in.  It's how a fiber optic cable works.  At the proper angle, light is reflected back into the core off the cladding as it propagates down the fiber.  All we are seeing is this optical property of the light angle causing all the light to be reflected back into the dome which causes the outer shell of the dome to be dark. You can see this by being able to slightly view the map and times when the magician is causing a shadow as well as you can see a bright outline on the paper, opposite the light, where the light would be shining at a nearly 90 degree angle to the edge of the dome and passing out.

In the second video, the lights should be directly above the camera circling like a clock not off to the side to match the FE model.

Neither video is in any way an valid representation of what is happening on a flat earth.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: I am wondering why I do not see...
« on: April 11, 2024, 10:16:32 PM »

Why is the Moon's shadow at the time of the Total Solar Eclipse placed elsewhere other than the plane of the ecliptic upon the earth? The time of the Total Eclipse should be where the Moon intersects the Sun on the Ecliptic.

The simple and obvious answer to this is because the earth's not flat with the sun and moon circling above it around a central point.  You've asked the exact question that proves the FE model false.

During a solar eclipse, the declination of the moon and sun are identical.  In the FE world that puts two objects of nearly equal size directly on top of each other over the exact same latitude line.  IF FE were true, at the time of the total eclipse totality must occur at a latitude equal the declination of both.  Having the time of the eclipse occur toward the polar latitudes is geometrically impossible.

It is the fact that you have objects orbiting and rotating on different planes that gives you the answer to your question.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Official Sports Thread
« on: January 17, 2023, 03:45:26 PM »
The problem with (arguably) being the GOAT is that being just above middle is taken as an embarrassment.  Brady's still above 19 other league QBs on Garygreens chart and TB as a team is right in the middle on the other.

Mayfield or Wentz would give their left nut to be as shitty as Brady.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Free Speech Warrior Elon Musk
« on: December 19, 2022, 10:22:35 PM »
But on the Right, all you need to do is make the most crazy people happy and you should be good to go.

Why do you think Trump ran as a republican?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: December 19, 2022, 08:06:02 PM »
Well, we'll see how this plays out.

4 charges including insurrection.

I actually wish I had a Truth Social account just to see what the con man posts.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: December 16, 2022, 08:33:14 PM »
I would like off the meme universe ride now, please. I have had enough.

I like to think Trump browsed the “terrible political memes” thread and was inspired.

I mean he probably believes the Earth is flat, so who knows?

No way.  He's a champion of the Space Force.  Pew! Pew!

Silly rabbit.  That money should go to the defense budget.

Technology & Information / Re: T-minus 10 hours - Artemis Mission to Moon
« on: December 16, 2022, 05:09:08 PM »
Being dropped out of a military transport plane doesn't count.

Sneaky NASA

So sneaky that all of air traffic control didn't notice a military transport plane in the vicinity.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: December 15, 2022, 08:07:01 PM »

Flat Earth Theory / Re: How do FE meteors work
« on: December 15, 2022, 05:16:34 PM »
Perhaps you should also look at the entry on Universal Acceleration.  Universal, as in, it accelerates the entire universe (except for things on the the surface of the earth and some undetermined distance above).

That's my curiosity.  The meteor starts out from a position where UA should be accelerating it like all other heavenly bodies.  Perhaps the explanation would be that meteors exist at a level where they are just slightly out of the full effect of  UA. As such, they are ever so slowly 'falling' toward the earth and at some point enter the atmosphere.  I guess that would work.  Of course AATW makes a point that this doesn't cover.

Flat Earth Theory / How do FE meteors work
« on: December 14, 2022, 03:29:39 PM »
I know, the simple answer to the thread title is just like RE meteors.

With the Geminids coming up I started thinking how meteors would work in the FE model. As I would understand FE theory, a meteor would have to start out under the effect of UA and be accelerated at the same rate as the earth.  Afterall, it starts at a distance from earth similar to all of the other celestial bodies so why would it not be affected by UA the same way.  What causes a meteor to suddenly lose acceleration and 'fall' into the Earth's atmosphere.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Parental Licensing and Why We Need It
« on: December 11, 2022, 03:46:10 PM »
But what if you end up preventing the birth of the man who killed Hitler!

More importantly, what if you end up preventing the birth of the person that can definitively proof the earth is flat?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: The cosmos, confusion, and further understanding
« on: December 09, 2022, 04:14:15 PM »
How do you know what they would say?

Well, based on the totally unscientific and meaningless sample size of the posts since yours it appears that I'm on the right track.

do you have any authentic pics of the same occurrence?

Evidently reading the thread you're posting in is not your thing.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: The cosmos, confusion, and further understanding
« on: December 09, 2022, 02:17:58 AM »
How come an image such as this one has never been seen (the top image in the below link) ? i.e. a boat cruising along parallel to the coastline just beyond the horizon. If anyone saw this they would think it was sinking and call the coastguard.


The majority of the people in the world would simply say, "Oh, look at that ship beyond the horizon."
It's an everyday occurrence.  Why would it warrant a call to the coastguard?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: The cosmos, confusion, and further understanding
« on: December 08, 2022, 03:43:40 PM »

Now, you can invoke EA to explain this I guess,

Didn't want to copy your whole post.  Recap, you could invoke EA as to why a ship's hull appears to go behind the horizon.

Over my morning coffee, I happened to think about the Bishop's experiment for some reason.  That led me to thinking about this thread and your statement.

Assuming that everything in the WIKI is truthful and accurate,  the Bishop experiment would empirically verify that EA bends light less than 20 inches at the water's surface over some 23 miles.  That being the case, EA would bend light significantly less than that at the distance of roughly 3 miles that a ship begins to sink below the horizon.  This leads to the fact, should empirical evidence be believed, the majority of the 20+ feet of cargo ship hull should be visible at distances in excess of 23 miles to sea.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: December 06, 2022, 05:08:04 PM »
The impeachment process is a process granted to legitimate Presidents, not illegitimate ones. An illegitimate President would not be granted that process. The process of impeaching the President assumes by default that it is a legitimate President.

Nonsense.  Nowhere in the constitution does it say this.

pay attention to definition 2.

"to challenge the credibility or validity of"

That would be the purpose of impeachment in the case an election was found to be fraudulent.

Absolutely nowhere does the Constitution infer that at anytime an election would be cast out and the previous president be reinstated into the postition.  In the event that this were to actually happen, both the president and vice president would actually lose office and the Constitutionally spelled out succession would go to the speaker of the house until what time a new election could be held.

I can't see it happening for some reason. But there must be some evidence to show that this has happened in the past - however as it cannot be replicated then the theory might take some proving.

Some would posit that the evidence is right under your feet.

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