So if I had bothered to read the Facebook posts down the bottom (which are usually frustrating), this dude accounts for Dark Souls on PC:
"I won't defend all bad PC ports (and there are plenty), but at least Dark Souls doesn't deserve the flack it gets. From Software never intended to do a PC port, and they were pretty up front about not knowing how. They only did it because a very vocal group asked for it, and when they did cave to those demands they said it wouldn't be optimized for PC. All the texture and frame-rate issues that were fixed by DS fix are in the console version of the game, at least to my knowledge (I played the console version and saw footage of the 'broken' PC version). It's an almost exact port of the game with the same quality that was in the console version, and came with the free DLC that the console gamers had to buy separately, so if anything I'd say it's very slightly better even pre-DS fix. Unfortunately when people say "I want a PC version of this game" what they actually mean is "I want an optimized PC version of this game that isn't built around the constraints of ancient 360 and PS3 hardware", and that's not something that From Software was in a position to deliver. People asked for a PC port of the console version, and they got a PC port of the console version."
So Jim Sterling dun goofed.